Saturday, November 3, 2012
Finally, entering another challenge!
This card was made using (shhh) walmart cardstock and an off brand die set. Nothing fancy but I think it looks pretty kewl. Hope you like it too.
Here is the website.
Friday, June 8, 2012
One more Animal Story....

Monday, January 2, 2012
Food Again (WARNING!! Longggg post)
The first is Bacon Wrapped Baby Potatoes
Now, we first had these at our family Christmas Dinner at our niece Becca's house - and they were GOOD. So we decided to make them to take with us to a bonfire a friend was having on New Year's Eve. Let me just say, we didn't bring any home. We simply served regular sour cream with them, nothing else.
here is the addy for where we got the actual recipe...
and the recipe follows:
Bacon Wrapped Baby Potatoes
I recently found a recipe for bacon-wrapped baby potatoes on Tastespotting and was sort of dumbfounded because I hadn’t made them before. I’ve wrapped bacon around breadsticks, hot dogs, scallops, beef, chicken, salmon, shrimp, jalapeños, cipollini onions, cherry tomatoes, dates, pineapple, prunes, figs, asparagus and even wrapped bacon around slices of fried SPAM. I know… pork on pork (Oink) !
When I clicked on the link to the recipe, I realized it was incomplete but decided to try them anyway. How difficult could it be?
Well it was EASY and FUN. I brought the ingredients to my sister’s house last night and the kids did all the work! We made two batches so there was plenty leftover for breakfast. The kids (who all cook) were discussing the best way to use the bacon-wrapped potatoes in the morning. Maybe cut them into chunks and scramble with some egg whites. Or smash them in a frying pan with a couple of eggs on top then add some cheese and broil everything. How about slicing them with some herbs for a simple side of hash browns?
The Recipe:
4 lbs. of baby potatoes, washed & patted dry
1 pack of regular bacon (not thick)
Toothpicks. Soak in water first to prevent burning.
Pre-heat the oven to 375F.
Depending on the size of the potato, cut and wrap the bacon around the potatoes and secure with a toothpick.
Place potatoes in a baking dish and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes or until potatoes are fork tender and bacon is cooked to your liking.
Remove and drain on paper towels before serving.
Now the second recipe I am sharing tonight is a direct result of Storm Roberts, from the radio station KTK, posting a picture...the item looked SO good that I had to find it and try it. Trav posted a picture, but it really didn't do it justice.
here is the addy for the Bacon and Egg Cupcakes:
bacon and egg cupcakes
July 22, 2011
Although not technically a cupcake in the traditional sense, these bacon wrapped eggs from Recipe Cards are a cute and impressive addition to any brunch spread – not to mention a total breeze to make using minimal ingredients and taking less than 20 minutes to whip together!
So many wonderful recipes are written to make enormous batches, leaving a lot of lonely leftovers. These fantastic little “cupcakes” are made individually so you only have to make exactly how many you want right now; for your family, your breakfast-for-dinner party, or just you.
Bacon and Egg Cupcakes Ingredients
- eggs (one per cupcake)
- bacon (approximately 1 1/2 strips per cupcake)
- cheese (shredded or crumbled – use your favorite, mine is cheddar jack)
- chopped herbs (thyme, chives, rosemary, dill – anything you like, I like basil)
- salt and pepper (pinches each, per cupcake)
Cook bacon until browned, but not crispy.
In a greased muffin tin, line a muffin cup with a full strip of bacon. In this “cupcake” the bacon acts as the liner – holding the delicious goods all together with no need to peel off and discard, just eat it right up!
Tear about half a strip of bacon into little bits and fill the bottom of the muffin tin.
Crack an egg into each tasty bacon cup.
Season with salt and pepper. While you’re at it, take a moment to appreciate the song styling of Salt-N-Pepa.
Fill each cup with cheese and sprinkle with herbs.
Cook for 10-15 minutes (mine were good around the 12 minute mark).
Remove from oven and allow to cool for a minute or two. Two of these self-contained breakfast vessels make for one sturdy serving.
Serve with sliced tomato, fresh fruit, home fries, Bloody Marys and you’ve got another delightful reason to get out of bed on a Sunday!
It actually took a few minutes longer for ours as we used extra large eggs, but otherwise this is an excellent recipe. And they are Delish!!!!
Thanks for your patience with this very long post, and I hope I will be back sooner than later.
Happy new year to you all!