Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas Adam

Today is Christmas Adam, and that means that there is only one more day between now and Christmas! How are YOU coming on your chores? are you done yet? I'm getting closer, thankfully. Still have a couple of cards to make, and some gifts to wrap and one ornament to create...then I'm done... except for making a quiche tomorrow. and then it is time to pack up for our trip to DC!!! We are going to visit the museums and the memorials and the cemeteries and who knows what else...we have 4 days in which to see the entire THAT is funny!!

It's amazing how fast this year flew by, I can hardly believe it is Christmas Adam again and I can't think where the year went. I think I need to make a list of things that I want to accomplish before Christmas Adam rolls around again and post it in a prominent place to remind me of my goals for the coming year. maybe that way the year will seem to have more meaning. Next week I will post a list of things that I/we DID get done this year, but that is a New Year's Eve post.

Oh, just what exactly IS Christmas Adam you ask? well, as we all know, God created Adam before He created Eve, so that means that Adam came before Eve, so Christmas Adam must come before Christmas Eve. So I felt that we should give him his due. lol. Merry Christmas Adam everybody!!!

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