Sunday, September 15, 2019

So, you know you can leave comments on here, right?

So, you know you can leave comments on here, right?

Yep, right down there at the bottom is a place to tell me what you think or answer any questions I may pose on here.

And I want you to, so I know what is going on in your life and maybe you can give me some ideas about what I can write about.

It is important you know.  I need to know what you want as well as what I want.

So, that being said…where do you think we should go first?  Once we do the family visits, I mean.

There is an event, Krawl’n for the Fallen that we are attending in November, and then we are planning on actually leaving the state in either January or February.  After that we are going to see some family and then heading up to Missouri for a retreat.  Then we are free.

What are your thoughts?  What is the first place that you would go, if you had the opportunity?  What is a place you have always wanted to see and haven’t been able to?  Is there somewhere we can go and send you pictures to help stave off the longing until you Can go there? 

Are you from somewhere and think that it is the most awesome place on the planet and would like us to visit and confirm those thoughts?

Is there somewhere you have been that you feel is a must see for us?  Please drop your comments below and let us know.  Tell us your thoughts and dreams.  Let us learn from you.  We really would like to do just that.

Thank you!

1 comment:

Traveler said...

I'm looking forward to every place we go!!